Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Writing two

Vlad III Dracul Vlad Tepes was born in the citadel of Schässburg (Sighişoara) in Transylvania in 1431. He was the second son of Vlad II Dracul (whom he was named after) and Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Young Vlad was raised in Wallachia, well educated and when he was of age he trained to become a knight. Pretty soon his world would turn upside down as his father was forced to make a huge decision. His father belonged to the order of the dragon which was an order of selected nobles modeled on the Order of Saint George of Hungary that was created to defeat the Turks, whom at the time was trying to take over Europe. After the Turks took over Constantinople they became a serious threat to Vlad II Dracul’s kingdom. So he decided to send his sons to live in exile. But Young Vlad and his brother Radu became prisoners for four years. While being held captive Vlad had grown very resentful, and vowed to have his revenge.
In 1447 Vlad II Dracul was assassinated by a group lead by John Hunyadi, one of his relatives. It was then that Vlad III was granted freedom. He also learned of his brother Mircea’s horrifying death. Mircea had his eyes gouged out and buried alive by his political enemies the boyars of Tirgoviste. Vlad fled to Moldavia until October 1451, and was put under the protection of his uncle Bogdan II. Bogdan was assassinated at a wedding, and Vlad III fled to Hungary.
During this time the Throne of Wallachia was occupied by the Boyars. At age 17 Vlad III and Pasha Mustafa Hassan's Turkish cavalry defeated the boyars, thus Vlad reclaimed the throne for a short time. Soon after the defeat of the boyars, Hunyadi appointed Vladislav II to the post. It was then that Vlad formed an alliance with Hunyadi with hopes that he could convince him that he was the rightful heir to the throne. In July of 1456 he made his move, killing his father’s murderer and defeating Vladislav II, taking over as the ruler of Wallachia.
His First act of revenge was aimed at the boyars of Tirgoviste for killing his father and brother. On Easter Sunday of 1459 he held an Easter feast and arrested all the boyar families who attended. He impaled the older ones on steaks and forced the others to march fifty miles to the town of Poenari. After that he ordered the remaining survivors to build him a fortress on some ruins overlooking the Arges River, many people died in this process and what is left of the building today is known as Dracula’s Castle.
During his Reign Vlad Dracula had skinned, boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted, hacked, nailed, buried alive, stabbed, etc., all for his own amusement. But his Favorite Impalement was impalement on steaks, hence his last name “Tepes”. “Tepes” means "The Impaler" in Romanian. There were many stories of Vlad Tepes Philosophies. For example: He was known for his defense on Honesty and Order. Almost any crime could be punished by impalement.
In 1462 Dracula attacked the Turks to drive them out of the Danube river valley. In retrospect, The Sultan Mehmed II, Sultan of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, invaded Wallachia with an army three times larger than Vlad’s. Vlad retreated to the capital, Tirgoviste. He left the Turkish army with no food or water by poisoning wells and burning down his own villages. When the sultan and what was left of his army reached Tirgoviste they saw 20,000 Turkish prisoners all impaled. Reluctantly, the sultan retreated, but Dracula’s younger brother Radu stayed. The Turks gave Radu an army in hopes that they could seize the throne. Radu’s army followed Dracula to Poenari.
According to Legend, An archer shot an arrow with a message through a window in to Dracula’s living quarters, and upon reading the message Dracula’s wife threw herself off the tower into the water flowing beneath the castle. The Turks seized the castle, but Dracula escaped through a secret tunnel. After Dracula fled from Wallachia he went to Matthias Corvinus for help. Instead of helping Dracula, the king imprisoned him in a tower. Later, with help from the Corvinus, he became prince of Wallachia and was assassinated less than a year later. After 6 short years his reign had finally ended.



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